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Corporate finance – consultancy in m&a and private equity operations – inheritance management

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We intervene as an all-round consultancy firm in the field of company finance, supporting all of the most important strategic financial decisions and sharing the most suitable instruments in those areas, with in-depth analysis and valuation techniques. This activity is solely focused on enhancing company value, while at the same time mitigating exposure to excessive financial risks.

In detail:

  • we support our clients throughout all of the various phases of typical M&A and corporate and group restructuring operations, like in the case of mergers, demergers, sale and acquisitions, stock exchange, contributions, sale of shares and interests, maximising in each case the value of the relative transactions and optimising all aspects of the risk involved;

  • we provide assistance to clients in company, branch and single asset valuation processes, including valuations of intangibles;

  • we can identify and select the most suitable Italian and foreign investment vehicles for businesses, as typically occurs with private equity funds, be they public – for example Fondo Italiano di Investimento- or “private”: in this regard, we study together with our clients all of the most suitable and possible collaboration scenarios – majority and minority partnerships, industrial planning, contractual aspects, etc – with the single goal of maximising the value of the transactions at play;

  • being aware of the current Italian and international banking and financial situation, we can offer our support to businesses in assessing and implementing specific strategic financial rebalancing measures, making use of the most advanced and recent innovations in financial instruments, like in the case of the issue and the relative market of mini BONDs by Borsa italiana, created specifically to boost the growth of Italian SMEs;

  • we provide all-round assistance to all enterprises that wish to seriously consider listing on the Italian AIM stock market, created specifically to support the strategic growth of Italian SMEs and which, thanks to the entry of the London AIM, is witnessing a period of positive vitality and growing approval in the Italian business world;

  • we are capable of identifying, when dealing with business inheritance management, all of the most suitable business, corporate and contractual strategies possible within that scope, preparing specific plans for each case at hand, for example in family Holdings, Trusts, family business agreements, family trusts, etc.;

  • we offer advice for both long-term as well as short-term company finance decisions – investment analysis etc, such as treasury and liquidity management as well as commercial credit management.

Turnaround and strategic restructuring

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Businesses present on the market often require optimisation measures, greater understanding of the competitive scenario, of changing business and collaboration models, of protecting planned strategic investments, linked to specific turnaround plans, as well as of a coherent and effective form of external communication of all the above;

  • within this context, we can intervene in all company reorganisation and turnaround phases, helping enterprises to tackle contingent or structural problems as a challenge to management changes, working on the strategic, organisational and operational area;

  • our approach is aimed at achieving concrete results, working through three typical phases:
    • diagnosis, aimed at understanding the company situation , identifying all the possible margins of intervention to improve financial and management performance;
    • reorganisation and re-launch: once the strategy has been revised, this phase enables us to establish a sound industrial plan, identifying a specific schedule and the objectives to be achieved;
    • implementation and monitoring: in this phase all of the strategic, operational and financial phases are put into action and coordinated.nitoraggio: con tale fase si realizzano e si coordinano tutte le azioni di origine strategica, operativa e finanziaria.

  • in this situation, we are of course capable, right from the initial phases, of orienting the client company, within the framework of the said measures, towards the most appropriate forms of restructuring – turnaround plans governed by law (turnaround plans pursuant to art. 67, debt restructuring agreements pursuant to art. 182 bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Act, arrangement with creditors as a going concern or otherwise) and “private” turnaround plans and processes – depending on the specific situations at hand.

Planning & Business Plans – national and international incentives and measures

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The current economic scene is increasingly involving enterprises in matters that regard the preparation, formalisation and regular review of business plans and industrial plans.

  • Starting with the banking world and moving through all forms of industrial and commercial partnerships and alliances, as well as in all the cases that may require a company to open up to other partners and face corporate restructuring processes, it is absolutely essential for that company to take a hard look at itself, involving company management and the most suitable consultants, in the preparation and formalisation of business plans and strategic industrial plans;

  • While all this is true, what we like to say is that is today, regardless of the size and situation of a company, embarking on such a pathway is absolutely indispensable for all businesses and particularly for the purposes of company growth;

  • in this regard, we can provide all the indispensable strategic and operational/practical consultation to go in that direction, flanking enterprises at all times, creating a solid partnership marked by a constructive, critical and independent spirit. We invite you to visit our “Publications and software” section where you will find our specific efforts devoted to this subject;

  • we can also offer support to enterprises in their approach to the national and international financial entities (EIB, INVITALIA, BERS, etc) that exist on the market precisely to facilitate enterprises in their development and/or reorganisation processes linked to industrial planning: in this regard, we can play an all-round advisory role with such organisations.

Management and organisational consultancy – corporate governance

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Experience has shown us that one of the most strategic consultancy needs for the enterprise is what we like to call management and organisational consultancy, or corporate governance.

  • • When we speak of decision-making processes, of corporate governance rules, of the balance of powers, of evolving statutory models, of the elaboration and implementation as well as the modification of all those really strategic decisions for the company majority and/or minority or for a group of companies, we are tackling issues that go straight to the heart and the development of the company system;

  • • while they are extremely varied and difficult to define in advance, we like to discover them immediately, if desired, together with our clients: it is practically impossible for an enterprise not to have strategic needs to discuss and share with consultants who are very accustomed to listening to the business community;

  • i• in this context and using an absolutely confidential and professional approach, we can share all of the most delicate areas of intervention, aimed at further strengthening what we like to call the framework of an enterprise.


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We can devise specific initiatives aimed at the penetration and/or the commercial and industrial development in given geographical areas.

  • in these areas, we intervene both in the structuring of existing strategies already devised in-house, as well as in identifying new specific pathways together with the client enterprises;

  • we can provide strategic and operational support in devising industrial plans as well as commercial/marketing, contractual, corporate and tax profiles;

  • we have solid expertise in all the various aspects of start-up initiatives from market penetration and various forms of contractual and/or corporate alliances, such as joint ventures and similar models, as well as in all the specific forms of bank and other guarantees – performance bonds, bid bonds, etc – to support internationalisation initiatives.

Business networks & partnerships – national and international

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We can support any kind of collective initiative, aimed at enhancing business for a number of companies that share a common development plan.

  • In this regard, we share and identify the contractual/corporate solutions most suited to each specific case, being able to provide strategic consultation starting from the preparation of the industrial development plan right up to the more technical aspects such as contracts and company configuration, acting as highly qualified and independent consultants supporting groups of enterprises;

  • Worthy of a special mention is our specialist skills in the collaboration format known as “business network” in Italian law, which has seen us at take centre stage also in specialist publications on the subject (see “Publications” section);

  • We can also identify, within the specific areas of national and international scouting , particular qualified contacts, aimed at the growth potential of both strategic and operational industrial and commercial alliances.



Tel: 347/6450900

Tel: 335/6927349

Indirizzo: Via dell’Industria, 1 - 60027 Osimo
