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vantaggi strategie e valutazioni

Finanza aziendale per le PMI - Come affrontare le sfide del futuro (COMPANY FINANCE FOR SMEs – HOW TO FACE THE CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE)

by Sebastiano Di Diego, Fabrizio Micozzi

in collaboration with: Giovanni Marino, Alberto Cascia, Patrizia Camilletti, Giada Santoni, Luca Capozucca, Francesco Angeletti, Giovanna Ricci and Ilaria Sdrubolini

vantaggi strategie e valutazioni

Piano industriale e crisi d’impresa (INDUSTRIAL PLAN AND ENTERPRISE CRISIS)

by Camilletti Patrizia - Capozucca Luca - Centofanti Paolo - Cruciano Michele - Gentili Giorgio - Gigli Claudio - Picarelli Gennaro - Santoni Giada

Advantages, strategies, valuations, effects
by Sebastiano Di Diego e Fabrizio Micozzi
in collaboration with DM Partners

Profili strategici, finanziari, commerciali e di marketing Disciplina giuridica, fiscale e contabile. Casi e testimonianze. Sintesi operativa per immagini

Le reti d'impresa (BUSINESS NETWORKS)

by Di Diego Sebastiano - Micozzi Fabrizio

Strategic, financial, commercial and marketing aspects
legal, tax and accounting regulations
Cases and accounts
practical summary in pictures

Opportunità e suggerimenti strategici

Le operazioni straordinarie per superare la crisi (SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS FOR BEATING THE RECESSION)

by Di Diego Sebastiano - Tosi Virginia

Opportunities and strategic suggestions

Business Plan di successo

Business Plan di successo (SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PLANS)

by Di Diego Sebastiano

Practical guide for successful start-ups and businesses – Purposes, advantages and objectives – Subjects involved - Planning phases - Executive Summary - Company Description - Business ideas and strategic intentions – Sector analysis – The target market – The competition – The marketing plan and sales strategy - Operations - Action plans, risks and exit strategies – Management structure – Economic-financial forecasts – Assessment and profitability of the business plan

Business Plan di successo


by Di Diego Sebastiano; Micozzi Fabrizio; Zagaglia Orietta

The compliance of limited companies’ articles of association with company law reforms is a highly relevant subject and, as such, of the utmost importance to companies, consultants and legal players. Therefore instruments are required that are marked by practicality and thoroughness in their approach and use. The volume aims to meet those requirements, both by exploring various aspects of the reform, as well as through the concrete proposal and analysis of numerous solutions, from the most simple to the most complex, like those in regarding contributions, limited distribution rights and shareholders’ decisions.

Business Plan di successo

Finanza Aziendale per le PMI (COMPANY FINANCE FOR SMEs)

by Di Diego Sebastiano; Micozzi Fabrizio

The financial recession that has hit the global economic system has powerfully reaffirmed the need for entrepreneurs (with their managers and consultants) to acquire a new awareness in the management of the financial department



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